Once upon a time I entered a giveaway. I was intrigued by the prize. The brilliant blogger, Cassie, promised to make a totally customized and unique gift for the winner. She would create this mystery prize based solely on information she would pull from the winner's blog. I was hooked, and I played, and I won!
My box arrived on Monday and I eagerly tore into it. Wanna know what I got?
There was literally something for everyone in the box:
For Emily: Let me introduce you to Michael Paul (brother of Michelle Paul). Emily was over the moon when she found Michael. And when I told her he wouldn't rot? That was the smile I got.
For Rachel and the Beaver McBun (aka the stupid rabbit): There were rabbit treats. Rachel is speculating that these blueberry treats are to rabbits what chocolate is to a PMS'ing woman. Next time McBeav has another false pregnancy we'll know just what to do.
Honestly, The Beav was more interested in chowing on Michael, the coconut, but Emily stopped short of letting The Beav actually chew it.
For Abby: There was some Immodium AD. Now Abby can eat fruit until she is ready to explode (and, yeah, I wrote it that way on purpose.) and the Immodium will keep her "safe."

And for Hannah: A plastic snake with which to torture mommy! It's already been in my shoe, in my bed, and flung into the shower at me causing soap to get in my eyes.
Yeah. Good times. Hannah is lucky she can run really fast.

The only person in this house the brilliant blogger didn't take care of was hubs! I started to feel badly that he was so obviously left out of the gift bonanza. For a fleeting moment I felt sorry for him. But then I shook it off as I realized that living with the fabulousness that is KathyB! is more than any mortal male could ever fully appreciate... and so Cassie was just quitting while she was ahead.
Life is really good sometimes. I got a box full 'o goodies in the mail AND I get to sit with my laptop and a glass of wine and talk trash without any chance of somebody calling me on it.
I love this blog.