Drum roll, please....
**Third Place**
KathyB!: Somebody needs to stay here and hand out the candy. Do you want to trick or treat with daddy or me?
Abby: Actually, mom, I think you both better come.KathyB!: Somebody needs to stay here and hand out the candy. Do you want to trick or treat with daddy or me?
KathyB!: Why...?
Abby: Because those candy bags get really heavy and slow us down. We'll need both of you to haul the bags if we wanna make good time.
**Second Place**
On the afternoon of Halloween we were getting ready to go to a party, then trick or treating, and then straight to an outdoor movie/bonfire at our neighbor's house. Adults were supposed to dress up, but I spent so much time making the kids over that I was running out of time to do my own costume: I was going to be leftovers. All I needed to do was wrap myself in tinfoil and put an expiration date on my front. I dispatched my dearest husband (hereforth known as Captain Smart Ass or CSA) to check on the tinfoil inventory:
KathyB! Just go check so I know what I have to work with...
(returning from the kitchen where he checked the half-full box of tinfoil. 250 square feet of tin foil)
CSA: I dunno Kathy. I don't think we've even got enough to get around your middle...
KathyB!: (Using the evil mommy death stare...)
CSA: Um. Er. (pause. pause) Have you lost weight? No. Really. I mean it.
***First Place***
I know everyone's in kids-in-Halloween-costume overload right about now but, well, it's my blog :)

Let the holiday season BEGIN!
What a fun post! Will husbands ever learn??!!
I love the idea of being leftovers for Halloween! Why didn't I think of that?!
The picture of the girls is adorable! Looks like a good time was had by all!
Is CSA now DOA?
The girls are looking really awesome!
One year (the ONLY year) I dressed up as an adult - my husband went as a battery and I went as a container of Morton's Salt...get it...assault and battery...I kill me.
Love your husband tripping over his tongue!
Ugg, Men!!!
And as usual, your girls are beautiful.
So...any photos of your costume? :)
You are too funny! And your kids look amazing!
3rd place= Hilarious.
2nd place= Obviously your husband needs to work on his training.
Such a sweet photo - and everyone cooperating. That's rare in photo land...
I'm not tired of looking at costumes. I love seeing what folks come up with. Yours are, not surprisingly, adorable...
What great costumes the girls had! They're adorable even as they try to pull off the evil, eh?
Speaking of evil, that's a pretty awesome attempt at recover there on your husband's part! Hilarious!
They look great! My daughter went in that exact same purple and black witch costume last year. I thought it was so cute! We would love to see the leftovers picture...
Looks like a festive day. Sadly in the big bad city there is no more tick or treating.
You may have loved number one but number two was pretty damn funny
Happy Halloween!
I love this holiday.
Haha.. just enough to get around the middle.. I'm writing that down for future use.
That made me chuckle. Husbands will never learn.
Sounds like a good time was had by all and the kids are cutie pies.
That made me chuckle. Husbands will never learn.
Sounds like a good time was had by all and the kids are cutie pies.
Look at that great photo! I LOVE seeing kids in costumes. Heck, I love seeing adults goof it up at Halloween, too. Now how can we get a shot posted of Mrs. Leftovers and Captain Smart Ass?
Hilarious! And I never get tired of seeing photos!!
Oh, I love it! The kids costumes turned out awesome! Princess Nagger declined hubby's offer to carry her heavy bucket'o'goodies because she was afraid he's eat all the chocolate on the way. ;)
Your hubby's comment cracked me up - not because of the accidental insult, but because I was expecting him to come back and say there would be just enough tin foil if you made it into a bikini or something sexy... ;)
Husbands can be such dumbasses sometimes. I bet 250 ft covered you four times.
And I love the picture. Glad you all had fun.
The kids look great! I'm not in costume overload at all. I love seeing photos!
Husbands say the dumbest things!
the girls look great! love your idea. so clever! happy fall!
the girls look great! love your idea. so clever! happy fall!
Great picture! I love it!
"Leftovers", that is awesome!
What great costumes. Beats my Target (non) creations.
Love the quotes. Especially the hubby's. Hey, at least he tried to rebound.
Kids are so smart. :)
Husbands....not so much.
Your daughter is a smart cookie!! Your husband - not so much. LOL Although he did try to backtrack, i'll give him that much. LOL
Going as leftovers? Genius! I'm doing that next year!
I love the spooky faces the girls are making!
Very good read! Sorry about your loss- I didn't know until now..
Great photo! And your husband's comment is priceless...
I was the candy bag hauler too! My favorite moment was when my two year old started yelling: everyone go home! It was only six pm!
CSA should have said that you were short on tinfoil, but that there was plenty of plastic wrap. FYI - leftovers don't wear lingerie.
You're right. It is your blog. You should post whatever you dang well please.
I just read your last post too. While my heart breaks for you, I am glad to see that you are backing to writing. Self-expression can be good for the soul.
I want to live in the Belinski house! You guys have so much fun. But I would have made my hubby EAT that tin foil.
Leftovers! lol perfect!
the comment? He will need to pay for that for-freaking-ever!
Have you forgiven the husband yet? Poor guy. I almost feel bad for him.
Great Halloween photo. Wonder why CSA wasn't in it? LOL!
Awesome! I'm so jealous. I got so busy on Halloween, I remembered everything but to take a picture of my kids. What was I thinking?
Leftovers. I love it.
Hey! Where's the leftovers. We wants the leftovers. They are seriously cute.
So funny! I always wiggle out of doing the trick or treating rounds by staying home to pass out the candy. I get to stay warm, drink wine, and blog. What a great night!
I love everyone's costumes!!
HAHAHA. Second place should have been first. PRICELESS.
It's kind of sad when they stop dressing up, enjoy it while you've got it. Which you are ; -)
Haha. 2nd place would have got me a punch in the gut! Thanks for the story!
No such thing as kids-in-Halloween-costume overload! What cuties!
What a great post... Why is it that kids can be so smart sometimes, i.e. knowing that they would need BOTH of you to carry all the candy; yet hubbys can be so stupid, i.e. the foil???
Since my kids have grown up, I don't get to take pictures of little ones in costume anymore, just poor lil' Nano, so post as many as you like!!
Happy Halloween!!!
BEST.Halloween.Post.EVER! lol! I love it!
LOVE IT! And what a great pic, too. :D
I dressed up as an adult - my husband went as a battery and I went as a container of Morton's Salt...get it...assault and battery.. Work from home India
*LOL* I love the CSA. I think I'm gonna have to steal it. Keep him guessing.
Love the photos of the girls! They look amazing. I too would love to see a pic of your costume. ;)
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