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Friday, October 2, 2009

running errands with a...

Some of my kids are on break (remember, we're on a year round school calendar) and they are old enough to find great joy in surfing the web. Yesterday before we went out to run some errands three of them were gathered around the laptop laughing like evil genius'. I peered over their shoulders in curiosity, but it was just a page full of tired jokes so I went about my business.

Later that day we were at the bank waiting to use the ATM. The kids were whispering and giggling as we waited for our turn. I'll admit to being a little curious but I ignored them since they weren't hitting each other, screaming, or doing anything embarrassing. I had some deposits and I also needed some cash. I was focused on the banking and the fact that the kids had grown ominously quiet didn't register until after the fact.

I had just finished the transaction and taken my cash when Abby, who was standing right next to me, starts hopping up and down and yelling:

Jackpot! We hit the jackpot! Woo hoo!
We're rich, we're rich...

This went on a bit longer than it should have because I was literally frozen in place as I watched Abby do her little leprechaun dance and shriek about our "windfall."

The faces of the people behind us in line were almost as funny as Abby's performance. From the look of things I think they thought we had just pulled off some sort of heist. I clapped my hand over Abby's mouth and shot the other two with my evil-mommy-death-stare and hustled them all to the car.

Apparently, the joke site they were on had given them the impression that this would be funny.

I need to do some cyber-sleuthing fast so I can figure out what else they read...

before I take them to Costco today.


LadyFi said...

How embarrassingly funny! And silly...

Susie said...

Silly kids!!

Stephanie Faris said...

Hilarious! Actually, that is a good one. I too would wonder what else they have up their sleeves.

Kristina P. said...

Can't wait to see the Walmart jokes they come up with!

Crazee Juls said...

Mwwwwwwaaaahahaha! These are girls after my own heart. :)

Grand Pooba said...

Hahaha! Props to the kids, that was a good one!

Lindy said...

What's up with the web lately? I came out to witness my 6 year old watching youtube this morning.

I threatened stricter parental control filters on the teenager if he ever felt the need to allow that again.

There were laughing so hard was making me laugh just listening to them laugh. :)

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Aahhh...they will be in their rooms laughing about this one!

JC said...

Oh Costco is so busy ... no one would notice ...

You sure do have your hands full ...

mommakin said...

Oh - my daughter visits that same site, I think! When she gets home I'll ask and if she can produce it for me I'll forward it. As I recall, there are worse...

Liz Mays said...

Wait, SOME of your kids are on break? They're not all on the same schedule within the same school district? How entirely unfair!!!

Design It Chic said...

Oh kids.. silly kids..i could just imagine your evil-mommy-death-stare:)
Oh and also , if you have time, you may want to stop by to check out the exciting news I'm sharing today!
Happy Thursday!

Danielle said...

Hope your not planning on flying anywhere. You'll all end up in jail. :)

Jinksy said...

Anything for a laugh, eh? said...

So I guess they think the ATM is the equivilent of money growing on trees?

~Laura said...

That is pretty funny! Not for the reasons that the kids think, but from a mommy's embarrassed standpoint. Hang in there. Break will be over soon and you can do your errands in peace again!

Stacy Uncorked said...

OK, I admit it...I started to laugh...which turned into a snort. So yeah, it actually was funny! But don't let on to them that it was, or they'll definitely find something to embarrass you at Costco or anyplace else... ;)

Southern Belle Mama said...

Too funny!! I would have loved to witness this!

Jen said...

LOL! Your kids are awesome and I only say that because this happened to you and not me. But I am sure that my day will come.

Pop and Ice said...

That would have scared me silly! I expect the usual "silence" of ATM transactions, other people quietly waiting, etc. I would have jumped a foot!

Cheffie-Mom said...

How funny!! Sounds like something my kids (and husband) would do!! LOL!!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

so would it be lame if I told you that my bf and I have actually talked about doing that...only neither of us was brave enough..I should borrow your kids...hehe

Kathy B! said...

Dena: I'll let you borrow them anytime you like!

Blueviolet: One daughter is on traditional calendar. It has caused a huge amount of stress this year.

Pop and Ice: EXACTLY! The people in line were totally freaked out, and even I was struck speechless (whihc really never happens).

Unknown said...

You have to admit, that is pretty funny.

Becca said...

I think that I too would have laughed! That is too funny... I wonder what else she has up her sleeve for you! Have fun with it!


passions and soapboxes said...

I would have thought it was funny because it is. It's just funnier if your watching it happen to someone else. lol

TKW said...

I think it's great that your kids embarrass YOU.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Haha, sounds like something my son would do.

Missy said...

Very smart children! LOL

Missy said...

Very smart children! LOL

Claremont First Ward said...

I think it's SUPER funny. I'm still laughing! :)

Gibby said...

Oh man, the jokes that you could use in Costco. That place is chock-full of joke opportunities. Good luck!

ScoMan said...

The website is right, that is funny. Long live the website I say.

I can understand though why you might not find it amusing..

The Blonde Duck said...

I can envision cart races down the aisles..

KatBouska said...

Soooo...can I borrow ten bucks?

Sultan said...

Hopefully this moment will signify their growing love of practical jokes and that they will become a standard part of your daily household routine.

Anonymous said...


Jamie said...

Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! That's too funny!

mCat said...

That is hysterical! I'm totally pulling it on Splenda next time we are at the ATM! Thanks for the great idea Abbie

Hit 40 said...

This is funny!! I bet your kids were the best live entertainment of the day for the folks at the bank.

Your daughter will go far in life with her dare devil approach to life. Keep an eye on her to not push it too far. I bet she will be a leader among her peers.

Anonymous said...

Your kids are the bomb. But of course they're hilarious b/c they came from you!!

Jenni said...

Is it wrong that I want to try that??

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I love it! I so want to try it now!!

theUngourmet said...

Oh my gosh how embarrassing! Dang internet!

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm laughing!

lululu said...

i'm definitely learning sthg from this post! my boy is still a baby, i gotta get myself prepared for this public outburst! but i could totally imagine what it would be cos i've been there doing silly kiddo things. as a mom, i think, no matter what, it's sthg you will look back and laugh your heart out with you kids when they grow up.
thx for stopping by my blog! i love your blog too. simple, witty and funny posts!

Heather of the EO said...

You tell a good story, lady.

This was a funny one, for SURE. Your kids are wicked smaht. :)

♥ Braja said...

Your kids are nuts. I LOVE IT :)

Heidi said...

Too funny! I try to keep an eye on what my daughter and her friends are doing online, usually watching some really dumb vid on Youtube that they force me to watch because they are sure I will also find it hilarious. Of course I pretend that I do because otherwise they surely won't share with me in the future.

buffalodick said...

Women are are an on-going mystery, and you are their poster child.. Just a Man, the Buff... I'm tryin' to get it, for the love of Mike!

Suzy said...

###before I take them to Costco today.###

I think you meant jail, no?

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I would have sunk into the floor from embarrassment! Oy!

Stesha said...

I love it when OTHER people's kids act silly in public!

Hugs and Mocha,

Mayhem and Moxie said...

You really can learn everything you need to know on the Internet. I think your kids learned a very valuable lesson here, my friend.

Oh, and I would love to see your Mommy-death stare.


Mocha Dad said...

I wish we had year round school in our district. I think it would help students to retain more information.

Jane said...

I know it wasn't so funny at the time but I think it's great your kids know how to have fun. When I consider the alternative (dressed in black, rolling eyes, complaining) I LOVE your kids! Hope mine manage to pull of your kids sense of humor.

Helene said...

Did you start to wonder if maybe you were on Hidden Camera or something? I'd be totally bewildered if my kids did that!!!

glitzen said...

Oh MY! I'd just about die. Don't you ever wonder what goes through their little minds? Its a mystery. (How as Costco?? Hee hee)

Chris Mancini said...

You know, it may be even funnier if they yell "We're rich" at Costco...

sunnymom said...

That is funny I love kids when they do stuff like that in public and you get the stink eye from grandma next to you.

Anonymous said...

I think it is pretty funny.

Gotta love errands with the kiddos.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Your girls would fit right in with my family, the one I grew up in. My dad would love that! The Force runs strong in Evan though.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Okay - that just cracks me up!

Court D said...

So creative! And, I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

General problem with kids is they have no idea when to stop. Could have been funny, if shouted once and then sheepishly shrugged off.
children are such approval whores that one giggle out of anyone has them repeating the same tired nonsense over and over...
hope Costco went well. Did you hear the one about the family who walked into a costco with a priest and a rabbi...

Debbie said...

That is so funny! I love kids' senses of humor.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! Your kids are too funny.

forever folding laundry said...

Your girls are a hoot!! Never a dull moment, eh? :)


MsTypo said...

Too funny! Of course i'm not sure my siblings and i ever out grew that phase... :p

Anonymous said...

That is real sweet :) Haha it is worth more then the money you withdrew.

Freedom Debt Reviews

Unknown said...

omg, thats freaking hysterical. Maybe its just me, but theres nothing that i love more than a funny kid :)


Theta Mom said...

Hilarious! Those silly kids! LOL

Pretty Zesty said...

Oh wow. This was great. I remember those days! Sorta...

LadyFi said...

Hope all is well and that you're not stuck at Costco...

Hit 40 said...

Fall is so busy!!! I hope your family is doing ok. The fall flu has been evil.

JennyMac said...

SO funny. But your kids always are...LOL.

Are you still at Costco? Come back!!!

Nydia said...

Oh man! Kids! Mine is 5y/o and already gets that "I've got something for you" look on his face at times ...

I've missed your blog, Kathy!!!

Liz Mays said...

I have been so worried about you. I'm SO glad you're ok.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Hi :)

You need to update!

Zip n Tizzy said...

Your girls are such a crack up.

I have to admit, I read that they were on the computer, then my eyes snuck over to "Ooh! Bold Letters!" and I thought, "Oh no! They've logged onto some online gambling site!"

This was just as good though. Particularly because you had an audience.
And just think... a few more years and you get to embarrass them ten fold just by dropping them off at school!

Becky said...

LMAO! {{since it happened to you I mean:) instead of me!}}

This is totally something my boys would of done...

Patricia said...

I love your kids!!! ROLFLMAO

I just hope mine aren't so wickedly funny. ;)

The Rambler said...

Your kids...are AWESOME :)