I'm still lurking in sunny Florida. There have been quite a few questions in the comments to which I normally would have replied. But between nursing my sunburn, lying around like a slug, watching the sharks, herding turtles kids, and driving all over the eternally freakin' endless beautiful state of Florida I haven't quite gotten around to it.
Sunburn - It's gone and all is right with the world. Fortunately, when I burn it usually just turns to tan over the next day or so. My face peeled slightly, but otherwise I'm good as new. Thanks for all your thoughtful remedies :)
Sharks - They're gone! We saw them at Carlin Beach in Jupiter, FL. Several people asked why the sharks were there in the first place and, well, no one knows. Yes, they were chasing fish, but scientists don't know what caused them to come so close to shore. Usually they stay much farther out, and the fact that the sharks were literally within a few feet of the beach baffles everyone.
KathyB!- Watching the sharks was truly one of the most amazing things I've seen. Maybe even life changing? The next day we drove to Miami, which was shark-free. No one wanted to go more than knee-deep into the water, and the kids kept asking if there were sharks. What can you say?! I told them the truth. Of course there are sharks, but they're back out in the deep water where they're supposed to be. I think. Every shadow was suddenly ominous, and sandcastle building suddenly trumped body surfing. Quite a few commenters said that they'd never stick a toe in the ocean again. I'm not sure where I fall on that spectrum yet, but I do know my view of the ocean has been permanently altered. I definitely don't think I'll surf again...
Blog - I should be back to my regular schedule of posting on Monday. I've missed checking your blogs, and I'm looking forward to coming home and getting caught up.
I'll leave you with a couple beach pictures. These pictures were taken the day before the sharks invaded at the beach where we watched them. I try not to think that I was swimming in an area that was infested with sharks 12 hours later.
I love to body surf. I'm usually pretty good at avoiding physical humiliation, but every once in awhile something goes awry....
That black blob floating in the water? I got rolled. It's either my head or the bottom of my bathing suit bobbing in the surf... In the world according to me a person would never get pummeled by a wave and lose the bottom of their suit. I guess the boundaries of my empire don't extend into Florida. Good to know.